About Us
Neanderthalsoup.com is a place for everyone to enjoy a bit of humor. Some of our content might seem a little ruff around the edges but it is all in good fun. All the stories here are made up for Entertainment value only. We pray that Life does not emulate art.
About Our Founder
D. W. Mann is the writers name used by our founder who grew up and quickly learned that humor and comedy can make life a little easier. Seeing the humor even in stressful situations has made life a little easier and more joyful. Hard times in life become harder if everyone is taking everything too seriously.
Our taste in humor can come across a little twisted or weird and maybe even a little snarky. Remember that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you more interesting. Life is too short and everyone needs to lighten up a bit.
Our Goals For This Site
The current state of the world is one which people are living in fear. People are afraid of getting sick or losing loved ones. Everyone should worry about governments restricting rights and liberties that are God given. People are afraid of their current financial situation and losing the ability to provide for their families if their jobs are shut down or inflation grows faster than their ability to make money.
Fear is not of God. One of the ways for people to combat fear whether they are believers or not is through humor. Having the ability to laugh and find humor always helps to create hope. There is hope for brighter days ahead. We Know all of our dreams are not lost.
Why we want to help
Times are hard and no one should have to go through hard times alone. Not everyone has the ability to connect with others in person so they seek like-minded individuals online. Maybe if we can share the same type of sense of humor you will be comforted in the fact that there are people like you in the world. People who have the ability to laugh and love and stop to giggle among the roses. Thank you for joining us here and we hope we are able to keep you entertained.
If you ever have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out.
All the best,
D. W. Mann